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Father I Am

Father, I am

Father, you know : i'm lying
Heather, i know, she's charming...but it's not a real story...

it's just a joke !
A sad story !
She's just a friend !
I'm so sorry !

Father, i must says something,
On later, it won't be easy...
Rather, i tell you all now :
i'm not joking, i'm just your son, i'm not shocking, don't be nervous !

I saw him, in Rainbow island, smiling, he took my hand,
just a first kiss from my lover...beautiful kiss and forever : i love him...

Father, i don't lilke secrets,
Father, i hate regrets,

maybe you'll cry, you'll shout and maybe you 'll kill me with your hands !
But i want to die free...but i want to die free...
Nächstes Lied: Il Est Minuit Docteur Schweitzer(Tastaturkürzel: →)

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